Artificial intelligence or AI caught the attention of everyone with its marvelous inventions. Before proceeding to the current situation first we need to dig out its background. John McCarty for the first time in the Dartmouth conference coined the concept of Artificial Intelligence or AI in 1955. Before 1955 it was an undefined field. It is a big prediction from the Al community that Artificial intelligence will have huge impacts on industries like healthcare, transport, and home maintenance by 2025.
Normally machines need human assistance for operating their activities but when we go for Artificial intelligence or AL we have to think wider. Artificial intelligence or AL is the operations of robotic machines or computer machines without the interface of human beings and being intelligent enough to learn the acquisition of information and its usage, reasoning, arguing, and then self-correction. In short, AI is the simulation of human intelligence by machines.
There are two types of Artificial intelligence or AI. Weak Artificial Intelligence and Strong Artificial Intelligence. In weak Artificial intelligence, the system works similarly to a human this was tested by IBM with a game of chess, and each time it tricks like humans do. But in strong Artificial intelligence, the machine performs exactly like humans. So, this is some basic difference between the two types of Artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence or AI encompasses the following fields. Machine learning, Natural language learning, speech (conversion and recognition), robotics, and computer vision.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is the type of Artificial intelligence that refers to algorithms that enable software to improve its performance on the basis of its input-output over time and then do predictive analysis over it and without programming it. In machine learning, we focus on developing such programs that change when exposed to new data.
Nature language learning(NLP) is the processing of human language by a computer program by extracting information and then translating it. It does not include the language of computers but it favors only human languages. The previous use of NLP was detecting spam Emails.
Speech recognition:
Speech recognition text to speech and speech to text is also encompassed by artificial intelligence.
Another field of Artificial intelligence or AI is to make such robots that help humans by performing their tasks. Robots are performing tasks from Earth to the moon, as their used in household activities to activities done by NASA on the moon. Artificial intelligence has another field name computer vision. The goal of computer vision recognition images and faces etc.
Computer vision:
Computer vision is capturing and analyzing visual information using a camera, analog-to-digital conversion, and digital signal processing. its aim is to make computers perceive like humans.