Famous Operating Systems

Operating System:

      Between various form of softwares Operating systems is the system software which make the computer hardware and other software capable of operating its functionalities. In short and non technically operating system is the soul of the computer hardware.Operating system work as bridge between the hardware and the user of the hardware .

IBM System/360 Operating System:

                     Its the ever first operating system released in 1964 by IBM. It is based on batch processing system developed for mainframes systems.

Famous Operating Systems:

Windows Operating Systems:

Windows operating system given by Microsoft. it is  based on GUI(graphical user Interface). it can use for all sort of desktop systems and used in mobile phones. Its compatible with IBM. They introduced their first operating system in 20 ,1985 as operating system shell for MS-DOS. The current version of operating system is windows 10. Its latest version Release on September 2016, its compatible with tablets, smartphones and embedded devices. its written in Assembly, C and C++.personal computing is their marketing target. its available in 137 languages under the license of proprietary  softwares.


Its the operating system for personal use by Apple Inc. Its pronounce as Mac. the initial release was on 10 1984 by Steve jobs. The first company's product was an integral graphical user interface. Its goal is personal computing. The release date was 33 years back on January 24 ,1984. it favors desktop laptops and servers etc.

Android phone: 

Android is developed by Google  and open handset Alliance for touch screen based  mobile phones such as Smart phone and tablets. Its based on Linux kernel. Its written in c(core ) Java and C++. Its OS Family is Unix-like. its in working state and the most demanding one operating system for mobile phones. Its open source but in few devices its proprietary components. On 23rd of September in 2008 the initial release was made.It was Android 1.6 Donut. While the current is 7.1.1 "Nougat" release on December  5 in 2016. its marketing target is Smart phones,Tablets Computers, Android TV, Android Auto and Android war. Its available in 100+ languages under Apache licence 2.0.

IPhone Operating system:

Iphone operating system or IOS is the OS of  reputed company Apple.The Developed it for their own hardware.Its second Most popular language for mobile phones after Android Developed by Google. Its OS of IPAD, IPOD touch and IPHONE. Its was developed for apple iphone in 2013. its initial release was made 9 years ago on June 29 2007 . Smartphones,tablets ,computers and portable media players are the marketing target of IOS. Its available in 40 languages under  under the license of proprietary  softwares expect the open-source components.

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