Robotics is the branch of technology which is the combination of mechanical, electrical engineering and computer sciences. The goal of robotics is to create such robots that help humans in every field.Robotics deals with the construction design, its usage and the environment it will be operating its activities. Now a days the attracting goal in robotic fields is robots for military use.i In 1957 Geroge Devol invented first digital and programmable robot Unimate. Unimate was used for lifting hot pieces of metal.
1: stationary Robots:
2: Wheeled Robots: Robot wheel can navigate on ground using their motorized wheels they are type of mobile robots. These robots include one, two, three and more wheeled robots.
3:Legged Robots: These robots are newly in market new they are newly innovated. example of such robot is military robot LS3. Legged robots include bipedal robots ,tripedal robots, quardrupedal robots and hexapod robots.
4:swimming Robots: These robots are used for research work underwater research they also called robot fishes. pacX Wave Glider is example of swimming robots.
5:Swarm Robots:
Robot is programmable machine control externally (Humans, Other robots, External control Devices, Environmental factors) or controlled automatically.they are capable of doing difficult tasks. Robots can be of different shapes some are like humans and many other shapes. their sizes vary from nano to large sizes.
Robots are divided into different categories according to its Applications. Few are Industrial robots, Medial robots, Household robots, service robots, Military robots, Space robots, hobby and competition robots.
Industrial robots include articulated arms use for welding, material handling and painting. Medical Robots are use for medicine and in medical fields for research.Space robots are use for maintenance in space stations and lifting the stuff . Household robots in household activities and Services robots for show offing technologies and research works.
Types of robots By Locomotion:
1: stationary Robots:
Those Robots that are fix in location is called stationary robots.They don't move freely but can have an arms which can move in short their arms have mobile joint which help them in moving. it include Cartesian /Gantry robots, cylindrical robots, spherical robots, SCARA robots, Articulated robot and parallel robots.
2: Wheeled Robots: Robot wheel can navigate on ground using their motorized wheels they are type of mobile robots. These robots include one, two, three and more wheeled robots.
3:Legged Robots: These robots are newly in market new they are newly innovated. example of such robot is military robot LS3. Legged robots include bipedal robots ,tripedal robots, quardrupedal robots and hexapod robots.
4:swimming Robots: These robots are used for research work underwater research they also called robot fishes. pacX Wave Glider is example of swimming robots.
5:Swarm Robots:
6:Flying Robots