Modern Programming Languages

New technologies demand new programming languages. With development in other fields there are tough competition between hardware developers to compete in market for chasing the hardware there are bundle of languages to code in for Apps development, Gadgets Websites operating application and Application softwares. Few languages are discussed below which have tendency to lead the market.


 Java is object oriented, class-based language. Java supports WORA means WRITE ONCE and RUN ANY where, all appliance which supports java language can run any java code without the need of recompilation. Java was designed by James Gosling. James Gosling created another discontinued one named OAK later the evolution turns it Java. its syntax is much similar like C and C++.  File extension are .Java , .class, .jar. the applications of java are client server Web applications, Web services, mobile based applications and For Android java is used.

PHP or hypertext preprocessor:

it’s a web programming language created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. its server side scripting language but can use as general purpose language its loosely typed.Used in most web application and can help in extension of web apps most quickly. Its having object-oriented paradigm. it is utilized in web templates systems. web content management and web frame work. The Zend technologies are the developers of Java. Filew name extensions. php, .phtml, .php4, .php5, .php7, .phps. its influenced by c. c++ , Perl TCl. it’s really attracted for developers and programmers. IDE's are notepad, notepad++, dream viewer.


Python is designed by Guido van Rossum and develop by Python software foundation. Python is all in one very attracting language for those who want to have command in all. Its having multi-pal paradigm. its favor object oriented, functional and procedural approaches. Python has the ability to perform many tasks like web apps, user analysis and user interface. Big bees favor python to evaluate vast datasets. its helps the developers to minimize the number of LOC (line of codes).


 C is having structural and procedural paradigm. C is the eldest language in the history of programming language. its develop in Bell labs by Dennis Ritchie. First appeared in 1972. One can have better knowledge of languages if they go through it. it is still used in programming software’s. Its standardize by ISO and ANSI. its having file extension with name .h and .c.

C++ :

C++ a bit evolved form of the C developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in Bell labs. it first appeared in 1983, 34 years ago. it has object oriented, structural and procedural approach. its standardize by ISO and in December 2015 latest version is released. it facilitates low memory consumption. it’s used in system programming, embedded softwares, desktop application, servers and performance-critical applications. its having the extensions .cpp .css,. c++, .h.


after having command over c, c++ c# will be prove as piece of cake. Its another language of c class. its object oriented, event driven, task driven, imperative, functional and generic. its developed and designed by Microsoft with its .NET and later approved by Ecma. its have .cs extensions. it uses for developing application in .NET frame work. Its is use in creating Windows client server applications. XML web services, client-server applications and database applications. 


 JavaScript is dynamic web language. it is very essential in expansion languages. JavaScript or JS is embedded with HTML for dynamic features. it was developed by Brendan Elich the co-founder in Mozilla corporation.

its help in creating 3D graphics, video and audio. it helps in animations and transitions. It helps in adding third party API and supports rapid increase in development of sites and apps.




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